
Heavy Rock Metal Dancer meet the BaroQ Bear, The

By Gina Ismene Chitty

Regular price $40.00 Sale

For piano, harpsichord, drums and cymbals, c.4'00

The BaroQ Bear is a character from the Grunewald (Green Forest) in Berlin of the the early 1700s. He habitually composes preludes, fugues and toccatas in abundance, conjecturing what he perceives as logical, balanced tonal relationships and brilliantly opposing thematic arguments. He time-travels to the twenty-first century and has an encounter with a long-haired young man carrying an electric guitar. He is astounded by the young man’s nonchalant demeanor.

As the young man begins to play rock music on his guitar, the Bear becomes increasingly perturbed by the illogical harmonic nuances in his musical output.
  He seemed to be hammering out the same few notes and making a metallic noise which the BaroQ bear perceived as irritating and tediously wearisome. He speaks to the young man slowly and explains the logic of counterpoint, and a better way to create good music. The two of them play together, each in his own way, and finally, after a lengthy narration from the BaroQ bear, they merge and settle the score in an amicable manner.

Composed 2020

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      ISMN 9790720249445
      $30.00 for instant PDF download score and parts Buy Now