
Towards the Psalms (Michaels)

By Betty Beath

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Cycle of six songs for voice and piano, c.15'00
Originally set for voice and ensemble (also available).
The composer has transformed such powerful words by the Canadian author, Anne Michaels from her book "Fugitive Pieces", into an equally powerful work. Composed 2004

  • 1. No one is born just once..., c.2'15
  • 2. Bella and I enter a Dream, c. 2'00
  • 3. Lament of Ovid, c.2'20
  • 4. Mones and I... Best Friends forever, c.1'40
  • 5. Love makes you see a place differently ..., c.3'00
  • 6. Towards the psalms, c.2'05

Towards the Psalms has been recorded by Margaret Schindler - soprano and the composer and is available online, Music of Betty Beath, Wirr024.

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