
Who's at the Door? - Album

By Jocelyn E Kotchie

Regular price $30.00 Sale

21 fun piano songs in C and G positions for young beginners.

Who's at the Door? ... and other mysteries …   

An ideal book to assist  beginners who have an introduction to note reading but are confused. These pieces will help them feel more comfortable and secure with the notes they know and are becoming familiar with. It helps them to understand middle C with the right hand – both on the piano and on the stave and how to find C an octave lower on the piano and on the bass stave. With these ‘hitching posts’ firmly established, they can journey through the subsequent notes and piano keys to find and establish G as a secondary hitching post and to become comfortable with reading up and down on the staves as well as finding and playing those notes in other places on the piano keyboard.  Helpful teaching hints are provided.
Composed 2012. 


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        ISMN 9790720133638 

        $25.00 for PDF album download: Buy Now