Ross Fiddes

He established and was AD of the award-winning Newcastle-based music theatre company The Sound Construction Company; and in the 1990’s, established and was principal conductor of the amateur Novocastrian Arts Orchestra (now Orchestra Nova); and was AD and principal conductor of Opera Hunter.
As a pianist he has been soloist, accompanist, and recitalist in concert with and without orchestra and as a chamber player.
As conductor/musical director he conducted symphony concerts, operas, musicals & choral concerts for many musical organisations in the Hunter and NW NSW.
His compositions include opera, chamber and choral works, and vocal, instrumental, and piano solo works.
His compositions have been performed by The Australian Opera (as it then was, cond. David Stanhope), W.A. Arts Orchestra (cond. Gerald Krug), Acacia Quartet, The Hunter Orchestra (cond. Roland Peelman), The Song Company, Opera Hunter, Opera Mode (cond. Antony Walker), the Third Military District Band, Shakespeare et al, The Sound Construction Company, CTN Productions, and individual performers in Australia and overseas.
He was an invited participant to the 1995 June In Buffalo International Composers’ Festival, State University of New York.
Ross’ compositions have been recorded on the Tall Poppies, Vox Australis, Wirripang, Taslig and Ferndale Studios labels & broadcast on ABC Classic FM.
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