
"To Wirripang, born of blood, tears and sweat; you rise, soar and glide on the rich winds of dedication, passion and love of all things cultural, high in a rarified atmosphere above an abused, tired and war-torn planet"
- Brennan Keats
Wirripang seeks to collect the best fruits of creativity, of Australian music and associated arts to ensure their preservation and continuity for future generations.
The Eagle & The Whale
The choice of the eagle was significant in many ways from the legends passed down around the Bora Circle of Dreamtime Wedged Tail Eagle to a much loved Keats family meaning. The Whale was decided upon because of the Keats' strong associations with Mosman, Brennan's home since he was born and Anne lived there for many years. Serendipity would have it and both shapes could be bent into shape to form a complete circle.
In the early 30’s The Bora Circle was a children’s music program conducted by a major broadcasting station in Sydney and the name “Wirripang” was given to Brennan’s brother, Russell who was an active participant. Years later, Russell was killed in HMAS Canberra at the Battle of Savo Island in 1942. His parents receiving the Government financial remuneration of his loss were able to pay off their mortgage on their home in Mosman and subsequently, in his honour, named the house, Wirripang. Since then, this name has been bestowed on all homes owned by Brennan and Anne. So it was only fitting that when this new publishing house was established, it be named, Wirripang - the Eagle of the Brolga.
The story of the Wirripang publishing house from its beginning to 2018 written by Brennan Keats can be accessed here.