
Indonesian Triptych (Mohamad Goenawan)

By Betty Beath

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A cycle of three songs for medium voice and piano. Grade 8/AMus

Set to the words of the influential Javanese poet, Goenawan Mohamad, a work whose words and music are influenced by 11th century Court Music from Central Java; "Asmaradana" is a song-form reserved for songs whose themes are often heroic, tragic love.
"Nina-Bobok" (Lullaby); both words and music reflect the troubled political turmoil and bloodshed marking the end of President Sukarno's leadership but coexisting with the innocence, beauty and optimism of childhood. The vocal setting of "A Tale Before Sleep" is fey, imaginative and theatrical and the music refers to typical melodic motives frequently heard in gamelan performance.
Composed 1997

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ISMN M720060675
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