
Museum Garden (Doty)

By Ann Carr-boyd

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A cycle of five poignant songs for soprano and piano.
Set to the words of the well known American poet, Michael Doty. 
Words of love, living, sorrow, loneliness translated into stiring harmonies and rhythms.
Composed 2001
  • 1. Museum Garden, c.5'0, Grade 5
  • 2. Nambung, c.4'0, Grade 6
  • 3. Italian Landscape, c.5'0, Grade 7
  • 4. and you were the road, c.7'0, Grade 6
  • 5. Squiggly Brushstrokes, c.4'0, Grade 6
Recorded by Louise Page, soprano and Phillipa Candy, piano, on the CD, Harp in the Highlands (Wirr 015) available online

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