
Songs by Diana Blom

By Diana Blom

Regular price $25.00 Sale

"I’d been writing songs for many years before realising that my choice of texts was largely those by Australian and New Zealand poets and novelists.  There’s something very rewarding about setting evocative words of places you know well, and highly satisfying accompanying and composing songs for singers with beautiful voices of different ranges and colours who work on the songs, discuss aspects arising with me, and then deliver a fine interpretation."  Diana Blom 

The singers represented on this disc are Ayse Göknur Shanal soprano, Emma Stacker mezzo-soprano, Lotte Lataukefu contralto, Kevin Hanrahan and Brett Weymark tenors, Clive Birch bass, who are accompanied at the piano by David Wickham and Diana Blom.

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Three Walter de la Mare Songs
1 The Witch
2   The Horseman
The Bee's Song
4  At the end of the world we learn to dance
5  Cobweb Farm
6  The dark, the light
Three Water Ballads of Tim Malfroy
The fisherman's wife
Lorelei Ballad
Remembering Babylon
10  Found in the Sea
11  Spirits
12  The schoolmaster
13  Jock's question
14  Clavichord
15  The Library
Dance Set
16  Tango
17  Slowfox
18  Latin Lover