
Fandango - A Biography of Ann Carr-Boyd (Book)

By Kerry Anderson

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A Biography of Ann Carr-Boyd
by Kerry Anderson

‘Ann is a meticulous diarist and a writer of comprehensive lists. Rigorous discipline, then, as well as aptitude, hard work, application, as well as being gifted with talent makes this book compelling reading.

Being blessed with, and in possession of, a creative and independent spirit, Ann would have found it difficult not to ‘work’, paid or otherwise. After all, she has composed over 280 pieces of music, and painted over 80 works of art . Her love and talent for music began at an early age – at the metaphorical knees of her gifted father and uncle. Her love for, and appreciation of, art commenced commensurately – at the knee of her mother, a clever artist.’ Kerry Anderson

"... a particular strength of Kerry’s biography lies in its generous inclusion of anecdotes and commentary from Ann’s colleagues, family members, and friends. This approach guarantees a warmth and liveliness that springs off the page, revealing Ann not simply as an outstanding musical figure but also as a person who relishes interaction, liking few things better than catching up with friends or making new acquaintances."  Adrian Wintle

Scattered throughout the book are QR codes of tracks from Ann's CDs which, when using a smart phone, can be listened to and enjoyed.

 ISBN 9781876829865