
Job Pilgrim

By Vivien Arnold

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Ideal Music Theatre work.

This work was informed and inspired by many contemporary theologians, psychologists, scientists and poets including Cynthia  Bourgeault, Richard Dawkins, Richard Rohr, John Saxbee, Eckhart Tolle, and Keith Ward, and those now dead including Meister Ekhart, TS Eliot, John Greenleaf Whittier, Hafiz, G M Hopkins, Rainer Rilke, Rumi,  and  in particular Carl Jung.  Their words have been used both as quotes and libretti throughout.   Biblical texts have also been used.  The work is based on the Book of Job. Inspiration also came from doctors, nursing staff and patients.

The script is loosely modelled on a miracle play. The music is enigmatic in the use of keys: Bb (be flat); C (see); C# (see sharply), B (Be); although, for the sake of variety, this idea isn’t used exclusively.

The choir of pilgrims, the quartet and many of the solos and duets by Christof and Sophia, act like a Greek chorus, commenting on the play.

Although this is conceived as a dramatised oratorio, the music could stand alone as a whole or as separate items.  A second script - Faith Re-Found - (included as an addendum) is provided to hold much of the music together for performance as an oratorio with no dramatics. 

Written and music composed 2014

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