
May in Black and White

By May Howlett

Regular price $25.00 Sale

A collection of piano works by May Howlett recorded by the Italian pianist and well known on the International stage, Alessandra Garosi. May's piano compositions have been in popular demand for many years and demand an astute pianistic ability because as Larry Sitsky once said in relation to her work, "There's always a sting in the tail". Alessandra lives in Tuscany and has studied and performed many times in Australia.

Sheet music of most works are available online

Download samples
At the Circus [1-3]
1  Parade   2  Catherine Wheels
 3  The Pink Ballerina on a White Horse
Salutes to the Sun [4-6]
 4  Corona: A Halo for the Sung
 5  A Cicada's Hymn to the Sun
 6  Cathedrals of Flame
 7  One Down   8  Two Down
 9  Two Across    10  Three Down
11  Three Across  12  Four Across
Waves [13-15]
13  Ripples
14  In the Keep of Davey Jones
15  Tides
Stimmungen [16-21]
 16  Prelude   17  Heavy and Light
 18  Cloches   19  Loud and Soft
 20  In the Groove   21  Back to Square One
The Bundanon Suite [22-24]
 22  Boyds' River
 23  Shoalhaven Twilight with Wombats
 24  Riversdale Reach
Passing the Tower of Agrievements [25-27]
 25  Toccata   26  Elegy   27  Furioso