
Composers' Series, The - Volume 8(c) Piano Solos (Hutchens)

By Frank Hutchens

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Frank Hutchens (1892-1965)

37 piano solos for elementary level (preliminary to 5), composed between early 1930s and 1950s.  

All the works in this volume are suitable for the grades preliminary to approximately grade five standard. They exploit different pedagogical aspects of piano playing including a variety of articulations, dynamics, and pedalling. In most cases pedalling is specified and if possible, in terms of the development the student, should be used.

It is surprising how many of Hutchens’ works for piano are in a major key – predominantly G or D Major. As he was an extraordinary teacher, who taught at the NSW Conservatorium for almost 50 years - being one of the founders and first piano teachers, his music written for young and developing pianists is excellent pedagogical material. His language can be described as impressionistic rather than late romantic. He uses unsymmetrical phrases and the harmony, while basically tonal, explores chromaticism. He exploits both technical and musical aspects in terms of developing skills.

More comprehensive biographical notes are within the volume which also includes a CD of all the works.

Researched and edited by Jeanell Carrigan

Volume 8: Frank Hutchens

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ISMN 9790720231129
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