
Two Shakespeare Songs

By Wendy Hiscocks

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Voice and piano, c.3'30. Grade 8

1. When Icicles hang by the Wall [c.2'06] (from Shakespeare’s Love's Labours Lost) picture the icy north wind as the storyteller. Outwardly she's cold and icy, frost glistening on her face, but inwardly she's full of fire, playful, humorous and thoroughly enjoying a nip at people's fingers and noses.

2. Where the Bee Sucks [c.1'05] (from The Tempest) reflects Ariel's feelings, a free spirit of light and air who, after years of imprisonment in the trunk of a tree, will be set free after his service to Prospero. As his release draws near, he breaks into delighted song and dance at the thought.
Composed 1991-92

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