
Voice of Australia (Medium to High)

By Miller, Dixon, Foulsham

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Medium to High voice and piano.  

Songs by 12 Australian composers
demonstrates the unique relationship between poet, composer, singer and pianist in the genre of art song.

Voice of Australia is an expression of art song and the unique relationship between poet, composer, singer and pianist which this genre exemplifies. A composer’s choice of text is neither arbitrary nor insignificant. It is the text that inspires the composer to translate words into music. The responsibility of performers is to discover the composer's intention and to share this with the audience. 

Voice of Australia aims to provide an understanding of the fine balance between text, keyboard accompaniment and voice for each song. Singers have the advantage of using text as an expressive tool, but this advantage can only be fully realised by a shared understanding with the pianist. Performance of a well crafted art song demands textual understanding by both performers, as well as an appreciation of the intricacies of each others’ music. 
To assist performers and teachers the authors have proposed Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced levels to equate with standard examination grades from 1st to 4th, 5th to 8th, and Associate level and above. 
Composers chosen for this book epitomise the quintessential Australian voice. The Australian voice embodies many cultures and has been shaped by many influences. The various voices within our multi-cultural society have found expression in a wide range of musical styles. The authors have attempted to encompass this diversity in our book. 

Backing tracks and vocal CD is included (performed by Wendy Dixon soprano, Tim Collins baritone, David Miller piano).

Also available in Medium to Low voice

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Many of these works are available separately, see titles in catalogue.

ISMN M720041988, ISBN 9781876829117 

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